Q & A

What benefits will the surrounding communities experience if the project proceeds?

The Spanish Mountain Project will provide jobs and economic opportunities for First Nations, neighboring communities and the people of BC and Canada. The Project is expected to provide approximately 300 full time positions. The Project will also provide business opportunities through contracts opportunities.

In addition, the Project will contribute financially to the Provincial and Federal tax revenues through Provincial net proceeds and taxes. 

Spanish Mountain Gold prioritizes sourcing goods and services and employing locally and will seek to maximize benefits in the region. 


What happens to the mine site after operations end?

A mine closure and reclamation plan is required to ensure that developed areas are restored to viable and self-sustaining ecosystems. The plan will require thorough environmental and end use studies and will abide by provincial and federal regulations for closure and reclamation. 

As required by the Mines Act, Spanish Mountain Gold will provide financial assurance for reclamation, through the posting of a reclamation bond. Additionally, throughout operations, the company will provide an updated closure plan every five years to ensure that changes in technology and requirements are up to date.


What environmental protection measures will be made?

Spanish Mountain Gold is committed to best practices in all of its activities, including environmental protection and mitigation measures. Baseline environmental studies are ongoing to develop a clear understanding of the environment, which will help determine any potential impacts of the project and the mitigation measures required. 

Studies on air quality, noise, hydrology, hydrogeology, water quality, fish and fish habitat, vegetation, wildlife, archeology and land use and socio-economic conditions are ongoing. The Environmental Assessment Process is rigorous and thorough and will address all potential impacts on the environment and will require mitigation measures that must be approved before the project can move forward.


What is environmental baseline monitoring and why are we conducting environmental baseline monitoring?

Environmental Baseline Monitoring is building a "snapshot" of what the environment looks like before a mine is built. This information is needed because after all activities are completed, the land must be returned back to its original state or better.  Data is collected on wildlife, fisheries, aquatics, air quality and hydrology.

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