COVID-19 Safety Plan


Spanish Mountain Gold (SMG) is committed to following the guidelines put in place by the local government and authorities on order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The objective of the COVID-19 Safety Plan is to provide a safe work environment and to minimize the infection and transmission risk of COVID-19 to employees, contractors and local communities.  This document outlines COVID-19 protocols that SMG has implemented to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 at the Likely project.

Please Note:  COVID-19 is an evolving situation and we will continue to update this document regularly as restrictions change.

This policy applies to all employees and contractors working at the Spanish Mountain Gold Likely camp.  Contractors may have their own COVID-19 Safety Plan and where required those protocols will be used in addition to SMG requirements.


Management responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring the SMG camp COVID-19 Safety Plan is complete and monitored for effectiveness
  • Follow the procedures set out in the Safety Plan
  • Ensuring all employees and contractors are oriented and understand SMG’s Safety Plan established to prevent the spread of COVID-19
  • Implementation of the COVID-19 Safety Plan by all employees, personnel and contractors.
  • Ensure all workers and contractors know their obligation to monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Assess all workers and contractors upon immediate arrival to camp.

The employees responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring they understand the SMG camps COVID-19 Safety Plan
  • Following the procedures set out in the SMG COVID-19 Safety Plan
  • Complete a COVID-19 pre-screen questionnaire prior to traveling to the Likely camp.
  • Continual and ongoing attention to how they are feeling. Must report all health issues immediately.
  • Do not report for work with COVID-19 like symptoms

The contractors responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring they understand the SMG camps COVID-19 Safety Plan
  • Following the procedures set out in the SMG COVID-19 Safety Plan
  • Complete a COVID-19 pre-screen questionnaire prior to traveling to the Likely camp.
  • Continual and ongoing attention to how they are feeling. Must report all health issues immediately.
  • Establishing safe practices preventing COVID-19 transmission for their work areas and to ensure all their employees have been trained and are familiar with their policies and procedures.


SMG’s COVID-19 Safety Plan follows the guidelines outlined by WorkSafe BC

Assessing the Risks

Spanish Mountain Gold has worked to identify areas within camp operations where there may be increased COVID-19 transmission.  The following risks were identified:

  • Travel to and from camp
  • Accommodations
  • Shared common areas such as cafeteria, core shack and offices
  • Shared tools, machinery and equipment
  • Close working environments where social distancing is not possible (such as drill rigs)
  • Interactions with local community

Protocols to reduce these risks are discussed below.

Risk Reduction

Through identification of COVID-19 risks that could occur in our camp environment, the following guidelines were implemented by SMG to reduce the risk of COVID-19. 

Masks are mandatory in all indoor spaces and when social distancing can not be maintained.

Self-monitoring to ensure you do not show any symptoms associated with COVID-19 and have not been exposed to it in the last 14 days.  If you show any signs or symptoms DO NOT come to work, stay home, self isolate and contact your local public health authority. If you develop symptoms while at work separate yourself from others and contact the manager.

Performing frequent hand washing has been shown to be one of the most effective preventive measures from COVID-19.  Additional handwashing and hand sanitization stations will be set up throughout camp, as well as educating all workers on the proper handwashing techniques.  Posters on handwashing will be posted throughout camp.

Physical distancing of at least 2 metres should always be maintained.  Should this not be possible a ‘work pod’ can be established.  Work pods will ensure close contact only occurs within small, select groups.  These work pods will still be required to construct physical barriers where possible or workers will be required to wear PPE (masks & gloves).  These groups will be scheduled for meals at different times.

SMG has limited the number of people traveling to and from camp enabling single occupancy for rooms and allowing for greater social distancing in common areas.  No outside visitors will be allowed into camp. 

Facilities and services (including meals, communications services & laundry) are organized on site and provided to enable workers to remain in camp whenever possible, limiting contact within the local community. Personal purchase can be arranged without workers visiting the nearby community.

Barriers have been installed in areas where social distancing is difficult (i.e: the kitchen). 

Regular cleaning, disinfecting and hygiene will be implemented throughout the work shift.

One-way doors and walk ways will be clearly marked.

Daily temperature checks and pulse Oximeter readings will be taken and recorded.  We will require workers to isolate if they have a temperate or oximeter reading outside the acceptable range or show any symptoms as described by BCCDC, no matter how mild.



To reduce the risk of an ill worker or visitor coming to camp, SMG has implemented the following measures:

Before traveling to worksite / camp:

  • Workers who feel sick at home are instructed to stay at home and contact their employer and health professional (or 811)
  • Prior to leaving their resident for travel to camp, all employees and contractors must complete a self-assessment and pre-screening questionnaire

Land Travel:

  • Proper precautions while traveling include frequent handwashing, maintaining physical distancing, disinfecting high touch points (door handles, steering wheels, seatbelt)
  • Minimize contact with people, public places.  Stop only as needed for fuel, washroom, cigarette break
  • Keep sanitizing solutions inside vehicle
  • Ideally one occupant per vehicle. 
  • In situations where workers must travel together, workers will travel with their work pod in designated vehicles. Driver and passenger should do their best to maintain as much distancing as possible. If vehicle has 2 row seating, passenger should sit in back seat on opposite side from driver. Open window to allow for air flow.
  • For initial arrival at camp, workers are required to stay in the parking lot until the first aid attendant can assess for any COVID-19 symptoms, including having temperature taken.

Cleaning Vehicles:

  • At the beginning and end of each work day, or as vehicle is transferred to another person, drivers must disinfect all high touch surfaces using an alcohol-based cleaner or disinfecting wipes/spray or soap and water.

High touch points include:

  • Door handle (inside and out)
  • Window buttons
  • Steering wheel and controls
  • Turn signal / wiper handle
  • Shifter
  • Dash control and buttons
  • Rear-view mirror
  • Seat belt
  • Radio and communication devices



The measures below will help prevent the spread of COVID-19 at camp/worksite and protect workers.


  • Handwashing is required periodically throughout the day and especially before and after breaks, meal time, after using washroom, or when work stations are changed or tools switched.
  • Posters promoting handwashing will be placed above handwashing stations and sinks
  • When handwashing is not possible hand sanitizer will be used

Physical Distancing:

  • 2 metres of separation between individuals should be maintained whenever possible.
  • Where workers are required to work together in close proximity a work pod can be established. This ensures close contact only occurs within a select small group. These work pods should remain together for the duration of the work project.
  • Where 2 metre separation is not possible (including within work pods), physical barriers will be constructed or workers will be required to wear PPE (masks & gloves).

Communal Areas:

  • Start & stop times, breaks and meals will be staggered where possible to minimize workers congregating.
  • In person meetings or gatherings will be held in open spaces or outside.
  • Workers should practice respiratory etiquette (cough or sneeze into elbow or tissue, avoid touching one’s face).
  • If workers become sick, they should self-isolate and not prep or handle food for others
  • Workers should not share food, plates, cups or utensils

Tools & Equipment:

  • Where possible, each worker should utilize only their own tools throughout the duration of work.
  • Shared tools and equipment must be wiped down and cleaned with a disinfecting agent between uses by various workers.
  • Workers will be trained in order to ensure proper tool cleaning as well as compliance and understanding of handwashing and hygiene.
  • PPE should not be shared among workers.  All PPE will be labeled so there is no mix up.
  • Workers wearing impermeable gloves may share tools and equipment without disinfecting them between each user and must continue to clean and wash hands to break the potential chain of infection.



All employees and contractors will be assigned an individual room during the 2021 field season.

It is imperative that the occupant keeps their room clean during their stay.  Shared washrooms will be between work pods only.  Rooms and washrooms will be regularly sanitized (see sanitization schedule).

Workers that meet criteria for self-isolation will be in a single room with its own bathroom to ensure no contact with others.



Cleaning protocols will be posted throughout all facilities as applies.

The worksite will be sanitized based on the schedule below.  A sanitization log will be posted in each location to ensure that this process is being completed.

Kitchen:  The cleaning kitchen checklist will be used to sanitize the kitchen upon opening and after every meal and prep (this includes all high touch points). All eating utensils and dishes will be cleaned by designated kitchen staff according to the 4-step process outlined in the BC Guidelines for Industrial camps. 

Dining Room:  The dining room will be sanitized upon opening and after every meal service.  This includes wiping down chairs, tabletops, condiment bottles and surfaces that are high contact points such as coffee pots etc…

Washrooms & Drys:  The common washrooms will be sanitized 3 times a day.  A spray bottle of sanitization solution will be available for residents to spray and wipe down the washrooms after each use.  Washrooms attached to the accommodations will be sanitized once a day.

Laundry Facilities: The laundry facilities will be sanitized upon opening and then twice a day during camp operation. A spray bottle of sanitizer will be available for use to wipe down the laundry machines before and after each use.

Sleeping Quarters: Sleeping quarters will be sanitized upon opening and once a day.      

Office: The office will be sanitized upon opening and twice a day.

Proper Waste Removal: Proper collection and removal of garbage is crucial and must include wearing disposable gloves to remove waste from rooms, common areas and the kitchen, using sturdy, leak resistant garbage bags.  If garbage bag is punctured it should be placed into a second bag.  Anyone handling waste must remove gloves and perform hand hygiene immediately afterwards.



  • The capacity of the dining area is set at 8 to allow for 2 metre physical distancing. 

  • A dining and break schedule will be set so that work pods can eat at staggered times to support physical distancing and limit the number of individuals in the dining area at any given time.
  • Meals will be delivered to the outside of rooms of any workers that are in isolation by the kitchen staff.
  • Workers are required to enter through main entrance door only and must exit through side door (marked with signs).
  • All workers must wash their hands immediately prior to entering the dining area.
  • Buffet style serving systems will not be utilized as kitchen workers will serve food to all workers.
  • Only kitchen workers shall be permitted to enter food preparation or storage areas.
  • Cups, glasses, teas, coffee, hot water, utensils, condiments and meals will be provided to you by the kitchen staff and served on trays.
  • Self service food stations have been closed to eliminate any potential hazards. There are prepackaged foods and snacks available in the glass refrigerator located in the dining room.

*Please only take out what you will eat as you are no longer permitted to put “leftovers” in this cooler/refrigerator.

  • The glass refrigerator is cleaned 4 times per day by the kitchen staff
  • Dining tables and chairs are cleaned after each use
  • All eating utensils and dishes will be cleaned by designated kitchen workers according to the 4-step process outlined in the BC Guidelines for Industrial Camps Regulation, that includes pre-rinsing, washing, soaking in a bleach solution, and air-drying or in the dishwashing machine on site.
  • All kitchen staff will wear gloves when handing out food trays, collecting food trays or preparing foods. Gloves will be frequently replaced or when required upon contamination.
  • The kitchen will not be accessible after hours, please feel free to take snacks or drinks to your rooms before the kitchen complex is locked for the night.



Workers who develop common cold or influenza like illness or symptoms compatible with COVID-19 are required to remove themselves from the work environment and immediately report symptoms to the SMG onsite first aid attendant while ensuring physical distancing of 2 metre or more.  The SMG camp manager will then contact the health and safety officer.  The worker will be isolated until they can be removed from the camp / work site.

Common symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • Fever
  • Coughing &/or sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty breathing


Additional symptoms may include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of sense of smell
  • Aches, pains and chills
  • Running nose / nasal congestion
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea



  • If a worker displays symptoms of COVID-19, they are required to begin self isolation immediately.  All other workers in that work pod must also self isolate.
  • Self isolation will take place in a designated room with its own washroom facilities to ensure no contact with other workers. 
  • Meals will be provided / delivered to the individual in isolation and placed outside of door so there is little to no interaction.
  • Self isolation should continue for a period determined by the first aid attendant in consultation with the health and safety authorities and a medical provider.
  • In all cases, isolation must continue until fever is gone without the use of fever reducing medications, for example; Tylenol, Advil and symptoms improve (runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fatigue.
  • The onsite first aid attendant will check on the patient regularly to ensure they are comfortable. If health conditions worsen to the point where external help is needed the camp manager will initiate an ambulance to transport patient to nearest hospital (Williams Lake ~1 hour drive)
  • Any testing for COVID-19 will be done in accordance with the BCCDC’s up-to-date guidance on COVID-19 testing protocols. If a worker tests positive for COVID-19 they must self isolate for a minimum of 10 days from symptom onset and ensure their symptoms, including fever, have completely resolved.
  • If a worker test negative for COVID-19, they must self isolate until their common cold or influenza like symptoms have completely resolved.


SMG’s COVID-19 Safety Plan will be reviewed with all workers and contractors prior to their arrival at camp.  The plan will be posted in the SMG kitchen & office for all to access. Signage will be posted at SMG entrance restricting visitors from entering camp.  Proper handwashing techniques and physical distancing posters will be posted throughout the SMG camp were appropriate.


Upon arrival to camp an orientation will be conducted by the camp manager.  This will include training and education about the spread of COVID-19 and the mitigation steps that are undertaken at the SMG project.  

This will include:

  • A review of the camp practices specifically as they pertain to COVID-19 protocols
  • Review of personal hygiene and physical distancing expectations
  • Monitoring and reporting illness or symptoms associated with COVID-19
  • Training on cleaning shared surfaces and tool / equipment
  • Protocol around vehicles
  • Assignment of work pods


The camp manager & first aid attendant will be required to monitor and ensure all SMG policies and procedures are implemented.  As the field season progresses and as any new potential risks are identified, the appropriate updates will be made. All workers are encouraged to be involved in this process.

The first aid attendant will be the main point of contact for any COVID-19 related questions in camp.  Resolving any safety issues will involve the camp manager and worker health and safety representatives.


SMG is primarily a seasonal operation, operating during the summer and fall months.  Training will occur for all new and returning workers at the start-up of camp and as needed should any new workers start mid-season or take on new responsibilities. New equipment, procedures or products within SMG camp will require training for all workers.

All camp maintenance and equipment checks will be completed prior to camp re-opening.



Interior Health Authority

Phone:  (250) 851-7305



Medical Health Officer

Dr. Sue Pollock

Phone:  778-241-0302



SMG Covid-19 Safety Plan 2021 PDF


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